'Kazan is the capital of the Russian republic of Tatarstan. This is a city famous for its religious harmony, where mosques and Orthodox churches stand side by side, and where Tartars and ethnic Russians mingle with nationalities from all across the world.
The leader of the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin, along with many other famous Russians, including Leo Tolstoy, actually went to university in Kazan.'
TWIC 969
6.Bg5 Nbd7 continues to be popular. GM Azarov used an English Attack style plan with f3/g4 to press the kingside but black was fine in the opening. White took over after Sharafiev tried to crash through on the queenside later.
Azarov,S (2629) -
Sharafiev,A (2451)
SI Najdorf 6.Bg5
Nbd7 7.Bc4 Qb6[B94]
35th Nezhmetdinov Cup Kazan RUS (2.1), 01.06.2013
Position 1
Black had earlier made and exchange sacrifice for a pawn and the bishop pair but white cemented the position. White has a structural advantage in the center. What do you recommend for white now?
Black had earlier made and exchange sacrifice for a pawn and the bishop pair but white cemented the position. White has a structural advantage in the center. What do you recommend for white now?
White to Play
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